David E. Graham, a retired Army Colonel, has extensive experience in International Law and played a seminal role in developing the field of Operational Law. He served as Chief of the International/Operational Law Division, Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Army, and as Director of the Center for Law and Military Operations, now an integral part of the Army JAG School. Mr. Graham has a long-standing relationship with the former JAG School and the University of Virginia, where he was a professor, department head, and academic director. He has published articles in multiple law journals and has lectured extensively worldwide. In late 2007, he authored The US Judicial Response to Post-9/11: Executive Temerity and Congressional Acquiescence, a policy brief on behalf of The Foundation for Law, Justice and Society, which accurately predicted the outcome of Boumediene v. Bush, 128 S. Ct. 2229 (2008). He holds an M.A. in International Affairs from The George Washington University, a J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law, and a Certificate from The Hague Academy of International Law. He is also a Distinguished Graduate of The National War College
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